
Pre Racing

Here's a quick race report from the Pre-Loppet race on the City of Lakes Loppet course.  A timely writeup since the race was just last Saturday!
Picture from Bruce Adelsman (www.skinnyski.com)
It was good to hop in a race and just get a feel for how my fitness is and see where I still need to improve.  Turns out my starts were one place where improvement is definitely needed, and my finishes might be another.  It was a crowded start with over 300 racers and probably over 30 on the front line, which felt crowded with just 20 of us there for the Loppet last year.  We were shoulder to shoulder, not even enough room to get elbows out.  I tend to flap my arms a bit when poling, so this was not a great situation.  I'm also not that aggressive of a racer, so pushing my way into position and moving through the crowds didn't happen fast.  I eventually worked my way up to where things were thinning out and went to work.  I moved up from probably 50th place at the 2k mark to 10th place by the 12k mark, and ended the day in 8th.  The last few people I passed right before Wirth Lake all tucked in behind me and I had a train of Jon Miller, Chris Sachs, and Ben Popp following me around to Jar hill.  Nate was just visible up ahead, but there was not near enough time to make up the gap to him.  Jon pulled up along side me when we got back onto Wirth lake for the run to the finish, and we skied neck in neck across the lake before he finally got the edge on me in the final meters.  He had a solid V2 going on, and I felt like I was flailing along with an open field, no way I could have held together a V2 at those speeds, so that is something else to work on.  I felt like I was within myself the whole race though, and I skied another 25k or so after the race and didn't feel too depleted, so I'm looking forward to some longer races to really put the fitness to the test.  Balsam Vinterfest 20k is this upcoming weekend.  We'll see if the slightly longer distance and smaller field makes it any easier to work my way into the lead pack.


2013 in Review

Winter is speeding by already.  Ski racing season is started and doesn't let up until sometime in March, time to put all that fitness to work, and fitness I should have.  Last year was my biggest training year yet, over 100 hours more than 2012.  Here is a rundown of the stats.

2013 Training Summary
527 Hours Training (10 hr/wk average)
864 Miles Run
1651 Miles Biked
985 km Rollerskied
811 km Classic Skied
1197 km Skate Skied
99 Miles Canoed

My running, rollerskiing, and skiing miles are all way up, but my biking is the lowest it's been since I've started keeping track.  I did my first few gravel races this year, which were sufficiently epic, but had no other crazy rides beyond that.  My longest ride barely broke 100 miles.

It was a big year on the racing front too, proof positive that those hours of training are paying off.  I set new PR's in many races, by time, place, or both.  I won my first ever ski marathon, the Pepsi Challenge classic.  This gave me the motivation to sign up for the Birkie Classic in 2014.  It was the first ski season ever where I went the whole season without getting beat by any women, a goal I have been chasing for several years.  I was not able to match this feat in bike racing however, as Monika Sattler beat me quite handily at Inspiration.  Here is a summary:

2013 Race PR's:
City of Lakes Loppet Freestyle - 17th place (1:31:22)
American Birkebeiner Freestyle - 58th place (2:25:58)
Pepsi Challenge Classic - 1st place (3:10:58)
Afton Trail Run 50k - 7th place (4:24:08)
Mankato Marathon - 6th place (2:51:40)

The marathon continues to be a frustrating distance for me, I feel like I should be faster but after finishing my last two marathon finishing times were within 9 seconds of each other it seems clear I'm going to have to get smarter at training or racing if I want to bring that time down further.

There are already plans in the work for 2014 that will require significant fitness to achieve, starting with an ambitious ski racing season, so there will hopefully be no slowing down in the next year.