Last weekend was pretty quiet for the most part, although endurance activity ADHD is kicking in for the summer. My running has been a bit less consistent as biking, rollerskiing, and canoeing enter the workout schedule. That is neither here nor there however, my post today is on a different dilemma, something is growing on my face. It has been for several months now, and I've put off dealing with it, but it's starting to get a little out of control.
Just look at that fella! |
Usually my beard size gets dramatically reduced when summertime rolls around, but it filled out really well this winter and I'm reluctant to do anything with it. It has been many years since I've let my beard get this long, and I like the full beard look, but it is getting a bit warm on some of these summer days. I recently watched a video where they tested having a beard vs. not having a beard in a wind tunnel and found no aerodynamic difference, so I'm not worried on that account, but heat dissipation is a bit of an issue.
On the other hand, beardliness is a common trait among elite ultra runners, so it can't have too much of a detrimental effect on endurance running.
My tentative plan before Grandma's is to trim the sides down a bit so I keep the length without quite so much volume, but I'm not sure if I can do that in a way that doesn't look terrible. For the Chippewa 50k last spring I was sporting some sweet mutton chops, but decided it wasn't a good long term look for me. I would love to have someone with any kind of fashion sense (good, bad, or otherwise) weigh in. What kind of facial hair should I be sporting when I show up on the start line at Grandma's marathon in a few weeks?
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