After a couple weeks to get my feet back under me from vacation things are starting to pick up again on the training and general busyness fronts. Tuesday of last week I started doing some baking to get ready for the weekend. Nichole has been talking about riding her bike more, so I sneakily tried to get her to bike over a few bananas for bread baking. Instead Nate showed up with not only bananas but also a baby and some rollerskis. I got to babysit Greta for a bit while he went out rollerskiing. I had overfilled one of my pies, and the spill over was creating a rather smoky kitchen, but with many open windows and some clever fan placement I was able to keep the smoke alarm from going off. Greta wasn't a fan of the smoke either, so her bouncy chair went up near the smoke detector, and she happily started hopping.
Bouncing time! |
Wednesday was the first Vakava fitness test of the year. My results were a bit behind years past, but I could tell I was still carrying some fatigue from the marathons, so I didn't really worry about it. I've been getting some easy runs in again, but haven't been too motivated to spend much time boating or biking yet.
Greta printing some coupons |
Thursday after work I headed for the cities and picked up Jeff, then we continued North towards Hayward for the TNC running camp. We had some fun grocery shopping with Greta at 11:00pm. Friday Nate and I got out for our first classic rollerski of the year on some fun country roads. My balance was a bit shaky, but this will be my 3rd year classic rollerskiing and it gets more fun every year.
Checkout Time |
After the rollerski I was surprisingly tired, so Mesa, Greta, and I decided to take a bit of a nap. Hopefully Nate's mom doesn't read this blog, because Mesa isn't supposed to be on the couch. Shhhh! Friday night we got an easy run in as other campers began to show up and then played a Bingo game as an icebreaker before everyone wandered off to bed.
Nap Time |
Saturday was the hard workout for the weekend. Jeff and Marco were doing 19 miles with two sets of 4x5 minutes at tempo pace (about 5:40/mile pace). I was not up for that distance, but agreed to pace Jeff through the fast miles, so I took a break between the two sets while he put on more miles and ended up with about 16 miles for the day. My longest run since the marathons, and it didn't feel too bad actually, and I was able to keep up with Jeff on all the speedy stuff.
Saturday afternoon we had a strength competition, and I struggled mightily with that. Between the Vakava strength test and the rollerskiing the day before my abs were pretty shot. Nate won pretty handily, and Jeff edged me out by doing many more situps than me. There were some fabulous prizes to be won, I got a pair of ski socks.
Fabulous Prizes! |
Sunday was just an easy run and a trip back home. I stopped by Cary's new house to drop off some plumbing materials for him then got home and headed right to bed.
I just realized all the pictures in this post have Greta in them. For new readers she is my neighbors and good friends Nate and Nichole's daughter, and my God Daughter. She just turned 7 months old for those who are interested, and will be mobile quite soon I have a feeling.
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