
When life gives you lions

After a week vacation in Ohio visiting my friend Garrison (and doing a sweet bike ride that deserves it's own post) I came home to find my yard had turned into a bit of a jungle.  The dandelions had pretty much taken over things, so before I brought the lawn mower to bear I collected a bunch of flowers and leaves and cooked me up some dandelion goodness.  I made greens out of the leaves (they were bitter at first, so I changed the water, boiled them down further, and added plenty of onion chives and curry to give them a good flavor) and fritters and pancakes out of the flowers (these were actually delicious unless I left too much stem on the flower, then they got a bit bitter).  The whole experience made me feel a bit like a hippy, and I'm sure any of my neigbors who saw me out with a bag collecting dandelion flowers probably thought so too.  I'm still catching up from the vacation, but now at least the lawn is looking a bit more respectable (still needs work, the reel mower can't handle tall grass and tall dandelions well, so I'll probably need to make another pass if the rain lets up at all for the remainder of the week.  I have also started playing around with a new data tracking program to use my Garmin data, so look for cool stuff from that once I get it figured out a bit better.  It should make it much easier to share workout data on the blog.  My camera is still missing in the BWCA somewhere, so the only photos I will put up will come from others until I get a new one.

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