A somewhat slow seeming week where I still have had no downtime. Here are a few details. Note: I am sadly no longer able to deny that I'm an adult when my first several bullet points are all work related (or maybe the fact that I'm using bullet points is enough evidence anyway).
- The process engineer who recently left from my group was in charge of all of our database systems here. I have been taking an intro to databases class and combine that with my tiny bit of programming knowledge and I have just enough skill to keep the database system running and do some troubleshooting. Now I'm getting to the point where I might need to start designing pages and queries though, so that will be a step up. Learning my way around that system is occupying any down time I have at work.
- The copper plater I'm working on has been running quite well lately, but chose one day this week to hiccup. Not a big problem, and fairly quickly solved, but it had to happen while running the most expensive product we run on that line, causing some amount of scrap, and it had to happen at 3:00 in the morning, so my sleep schedule is still readjusting from that. Had the same problem happened on day shift on our normal product nobody would have batted an eye, but instead I get a phone call in the middle of the night that we are scrapping out expensive material.
- It Snowed in Northfield last night!! By the time I woke up it was all gone, from the ground, but evidence remained on my deck, so I took a quick snap shot.

- The West Yellowstone trip is coming together. Still not sure about vehicles, but there might be 10 of us U of M skiers/alumni out there this year, so it will be a good crew. They have been getting snow it sounds like, so things should be in good shape by the time we get out there.
- Several of the bloggers I read are fans of reducing the amount of stuff you have to simplify your life. I seem to be moving in the opposite direction, since I am a bit of a hoarder. I just bought a new SSD since I have a hard drive failing, and this picture shows how ridiculous my boat situation has become. In fairness only one of them is mine, but even so...

- I have started playing Minecraft again. It is a great game, and a great reminder of how fun legos were, but legos wouldn't let you build nuclear reactors or play with people 1000 miles away, so here we are. Garrison and I joined a MP server running a couple cool mods, and I am now spending way too much time building solar panels, quantum armor, chainsaws, and macerators, and of course mining all the resources it takes to build those things. I got a teleporter working yesterday, so hopefully the server creator, who has a Lets Play Youtube channel, will highlight our progress in his video in the next week or so. Not that there is a ton of progress so far. We've built a cabin, some solar flowers, a wind farm, and some industrial equipment. So far just laying the groundwork so that when we decide on a large project all the infrastructure is in place to get it going.
- Finally, I got a chance to chat with my friend Annie, who is in Tanzania right now. It was good to catch up to her.
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