My blog posts tend to ramble, as I realized when I looked back to try to find some info from a few races earlier in the year, so I'm going to try to do this post in bullet points and see how it goes, because bullet points are fun, unless they are piercing your flesh. Then they are less fun.
- New canoe maiden voyage - My boat repairs were finally finished last Tuesday, so Thursday Emily and I hit the mighty Mississippi (and Minnesota) river to give it a test run. It was 18.5' of quiet fast magic. Now I need to start saving up for a paddle.
Paddling off into the sunset
Emily keeping us on track |
- Jallie's Meeting - Allie works for the City of Lakes Nordic Ski Foundation, and I got to go to a meeting she was putting on about growing participation for the Hoigaards Challenge series. It was all very adult like discussing things like advertising tactics, entry fees, and demographics.
- Write up for Hoigaard's Challenge - On another note related to the Hoigaards Challenge, I was asked to do a short writeup on the event since I won it. It was really hard to describe three events in under 300 words, my writeups here are probably 400 words for each of the events, and that is without trying to ramble too much (and not always succeeding at such).
- Rollerski With Bjorn - Got out for a long rollerski with Bjorn on Saturday. I handled the distance fairly well considering my lack of rollerskiing, but any time the speed amped up I was dropped pretty quickly. Great day to be out though, and Bjorn's rollerski route is really great.
- West Yellowstone - Rooms are booked for West Yellowstone over Thanksgiving week. Staying in the Holiday Inn this year, which is kind of the epicenter for the Festival events. That will be a change from the peaceful, homey feel of the Brandin' Iron, but it will be fun to try out something different. There is a good crew this year. My brother and sister are both coming, as are Emily, Bjorn, and Jallie. Now all that is missing is the snow.
Well, I don't know if it is shorter or sweeter, but it does seem a bit more organised than previous posts, and it is easy to drop bullet points in over the week so I don't forget anything.
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