
One Week

It is less than one week until I run the Boston Marathon! Training has been good for the most part, and other than a couple minor nagging aches and pains I should arrive at the starting line in good health and ready to race. It won't be my first time to the Boston Marathon starting line, but last time I was there it was without much fanfare, and a 5k seemed like a long race.
Jeff, Cary, and I at the Boston Marathon Starting Line - Aug 1999
Based on how my training has been going I'm hoping to run somewhere around 2:45:00. Beyond that I have no idea what to expect. This will be my first majors marathon, and far larger than any race I have done before. The amount of hype, security, excitement, and history surrounding this race, it's large and relatively elite field, and the travel and logistics details certainly have me feeling a bit nervous about it, but I'm fairly good at keeping my nerves in check and not getting too stressed before races.

If anyone wants to follow along they can get txt or email alerts by signing up for the ATT Athlete Alert. I am bib number 359 and I'll be starting in coral 1 at 10:00 Eastern time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I feel like I am right there with you. Wish I could have been there at the finish to give you a warm dry blanket. Sounds like you put in a good effort against non-ideal conditions and sore toes. You are one of the most optimistic people I know, and I am grateful that you share your experience so candidly.
